From: Account details < kerstongarry7894 @ >

Welcome back!

Congratulations on subscribing to Gϵϵk Squαd™ Security Program which secures your home devices and network.
This recent subscription plan is set to renew today as you've authorized auto debit payments every year unless canceled.
So we've processed the yearly expense of $ 395.69 from your updated payment method or account funds credit balance.
Service issue? - please contact our core team at +1(888) 407-1363
Consumer ID -64541CF484F
Issued date - 19 -July -2022
Plan Tenure - 12 Months Only
Order Price - $ 395.69
If you wish to unsubscribe or cancel the membership and get the full refund - reach out to us at +1(888) 407-1363

Thank you for being an active valued member of us!
Kind Regards
Consumer Care & Helpline Dept.